Thanks for your very well researched article, I think it was a great read.
The title of your article is “Why is Finding a Good Woman so Hard……” You then proceed to define what is a good woman, but that’s not consistent with how you describe what men want…which is basically primarily a HOT woman. I agree that women are choosing to go without men because they are thankfully earning good money, but proportionally men still earn more, so why wouldn’t they similarly opt out of “needing” a partner and instead just date hot (and even younger) women?
When it comes to finances and “intelligent conversation” both genders have firm beneficial options at lower emotional and fiscal cost, so there’s not much of a moral imperative to seek a monogamous partner.
As you rightly state, women are becoming more polyamorous but men are also stepping up the pace. It’s a shame though that in this day and age, there’s still cheating when they could just agree on consensual or non-disclosure (don’t ask don’t tell) polyamory.